After the wine is bottled up, you could come for tastings at the wineries’ cellar doors. On a Merry Heart CBR tour, will be taken to at least 3 wineries’ cellar doors to taste some of the wines they make on site.
With ~8 wines in each flight, that’s at least 24 wines! Even though some vineyards and wineries are located within the same region, such as the Canberra-Murrumbateman winery tours, there are still variabilities in soils and vineyard management practices which affect the wines produced.
You will learn first-hand from the winemakers about their expertise and wine-making processes. So, besides the banter, both your host and your guide will be giving you some tips on what to look out for when tasting the wine. Then, knowing your taste, you could quickly find similar wine styles (i.e. composition) to your liking.
If you’re not into the whole learning thing, still come along to provide the excellent banter w glass in hand, and enjoy the scenery of the beautiful vineyards.